
Presentations 2025

Future Projects In The Works


How the Alphabet was Invented

Fall of 2025



Leonardo Da Vinci

Fall of 2025



Winston Churchill

Fall of 2025



Viking World Cruise

 A Personal Perspective

Fall of 2025


Past Presentations

Richard Nixon

Tells All

Philosophy Club

Nixon comes alive and tells how

he shaped American politics for 30 years.

Also discussed will be how he rose to acclaim,

became President, and his tragic downfall. 

Future Space Missions 

Astronomy Club

Laurel Manor Rec Center


Futuristic space missions will detail

all NASA, SpaceX, and ESA plans for

robotic and manned missions to our

solar system and beyond.

Marie Curie

Tells Her Story

Sci Tech Club

Bridgeport Rec Center

Marie comes alive, in costume, and tells about her many

pioneering scientific accomplishments,

and contributions to the understanding of

new radioactive elements. 

Incredible Journeys

Philosophy Club

Lake Miona Rec Center

Take 9 journeys throughout the world

— scale Mount Everest, walk across the

North Pole, sail around the world, 

walk the length of China’s Great Wall,

 tour the International Space Station

– plus more!!

Charles Darwin

Explains Evolution

Philosophy Club

Charles Darwin will come alive,

be in costume and tell about his life, his

adventures and how he came up with his

radical theory of evolution. To this day

talking about evolution is still controversial

and heretical. So, Darwin with examples

debates evolution versus creationism.

Human Evolutionary Traits

Sci Tech Club

Famed anthropologist Louis Leakey

will come alive to discuss and show how

man has physically and mentally evolved

traits over time from our ancient ancestors

like Homo hablis, Homo erectus,

Neanderthal and others that led to become us.



 Philosophy Club



The ship Titanic as we all know hit an iceberg

on April 15th, 1912 and sank with over 1,500

lives lost. A costumed Titanic crew member

will describe the ship, amenities and passengers

on board. Plus narrate the sinking in detail

and explain in 10 minute increments

what happened, what went wrong, how

passengers and crew reacted and what

lessons we learned from this terrible tragedy.



Corporate Environmental Scandals



 Sci Tech Club



See how large corporations have been responsible

for oil spills, contaminated drinking water and

poisonous air that has affected millions of U.S.

citizens. Numerous Hollywood films were

made about these violations resulting

in raised public awareness, outrage

and long overdue environmental justice.

Bully! Bully!

It’s Teddy Roosevelt


 Philosophy Club

Lake Miona Rec Center


Check out Teddy’s life and his accomplishments.

Find out how our 26th President made laws

that we all have benefited from.

World’s Greatest Buildings

and how they were built



Sci Tech Club

Bridgeport Rec Center 


See how The Pyramids,

The Parthenon, The Roman Collesum,

Notre Dame Cathedral, Falling Water

and The Burj Khalifa were all built.

Inside The

Catholic Church



 Philosophy Club

Lake Miona Rec Center



This highlights a history of The Catholic Church

as well as the significant contributions The Church has

made in our world including some of it’s blunders.

Charles Darwin

Discusses Evolution

Sci Tech Club

Bridgeport Rec Center

Charles Darwin comes alive and tells

about his remarkable discoveries

and theories regarding evolution.

Popular Diets


Philosophy Club

Colony Rec Center


Popular diets, such as, Mediterranean,

Weight Watchers, DASH, Keto, Paleo, and others

will be discussed in detail.

Finding Other Worlds



Sci Tech Club

Bridgeport Rec Center


Looking at new evidence found. scientists are zeroing in

on other worlds that could support life as we know.

Undersea Adventures

with Jacques Cousteau

Philosophy Club

Sports Cheaters




Documents how professional and Olympic

athletes in many high profile sports cheat in

unique ways to gain unfair advantages.





This will detail the science of sleep and delve into dreams,

problems sleeping and how the brain works while you rest.




Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s, tells how he made McDonald’s into the

best known and most profitable restaurant chain in the world.

Magnificant Wonders



Visit over 2 dozen natural wonders around the world,

including waterfalls, glaciers, mountain ranges, coral reefs

and unique features.

Incredible Journeys

Philosophy Club


Take 9 journeys throughout the world

— scale Mount Everest, walk across the

North Pole, sail around the world, 

walk the length of China’s Great Wall,

 tour the International Space Station

– plus more!!





Henry Ford Tells His Story

Henry Ford details his lifefrom a simple farm boy to

becoming one of the world’s most recognizable innovators in

American business and industry. His assemby line process of making cars transformed our society and your life.

Conspiracy Theories

Examine controversial

theories about aliens,

UFOs, Exopolitics, Scientology,

plus others and how

they lead to defrauding seniors.


Pablo Picasso

Explains His Art


Meet the avant garde artistic genius

of all time. His provocative art

included creating many new styles

with a fresh, exciting approach to

viewing art. Catch all

his masterpieces.

Fantastic Places

Ever hear of The Okavango Delta?

Or Mt. Lico in Mozambique?

This presentation introduces and highlights

over three dozen unique man-made

and natural wonders of our world.


It’s All Relative


Albert Einstein

Einstein comes to life in this dramatic

presentation highlighting his ideas that revolutionized

our ideas about space, time and physics. He discusses

relativity and the space time continium in an easy to

understand format.

James T. Kirk -Captain of  the Starship Enterprise


Captain Kirk tells all about his action

 packed adventures, daring escapades,

his ship – The Enterprise, his crewmates,

 and going where no man 

has gone before.


Going Ape

This tells how apes, chimps and gorillas

share many traits with us.

Are we like them, or are they like us?

Come find out!

 Mission to Mars


Blast off to find out how humans will

explore and eventually live on Mars.

Find out the challenges and problems living

on another planet.



Incredible Journeys


Take 9 journeys throughout the world

— scale Mount Everest, walk across the

North Pole, sail around the world, 

walk the length of China’s Great Wall,

 tour the International Space Station

– plus more!!





Exotic Islands

Fall into the sun and explore

the history, beauty and appeal

of gorgeous islands all over the world.



He Said – She Said

Who’s better at what?

How women and men differently

see and deal with the world.


Bruce Wayne

as Batman


Bruce Wayne tells of his adventures

as Batman. He protects Gotham City

as a masked midnight vigilante from

psychotic criminals. Join him on his quest

for the battle of Gotham’s soul.

Henry Ford Comes Alive

Mr. Ford describes how he singlehandedly

changed the car industry and

introduced mass production.


You auto come!

Thomas Edison

Comes Alive

Dressed in period costume, I will explain

how Edison’s inventions bettered our society

and hybrids of his inventions are still in use today.


Prepared Presentations

dates to be determined

John D. Rockefeller Comes Alive

This dramatic impression focuses on the early oil industry

and how he rose to fame and fortune,

going from Robber Barron to Philanthropist.

The African continent is detailed

with it’s many diverse tribes, wildlife,

landscapes and natural wonders.



Iconic African Wildlife

Learn about Africa’s

most famous wildlife

including elephants, lions,

rhinos, hippos, giraffes,

leopards, plus many others.

Mayans and Aztecs

Will detail how these 2 ancient cultures

thrived in Central America

and of their demise.





I will unfold the historical events that

highlights the Incan Empire, and their

dramatic decline by the Spanish.

Andrew Carnegie

Comes Alive

In period costume, I will portray

Mr. Carnegie, the early steel industry,

his success story and philanthropy.